SEO to drive Web Traffic via Search Engines

web traffic

Search engine Optimization in short SEO is a pure online marketing strategy or discipline that helps to show up any website in search results for specific keywords. This technique is applicable for organic or non-paid search results. More SEO practices helps to drive lots of web traffic, increase PageRank of a site and boost alertness of search engines about your site.

For any specific searches perform by the users all the major search engines on the internet world such as Google, Bing, Yahoo, Ask, Baidu, AoL etc shows primary search results, where various web content such as web pages, articles, audios, videos and images or any local listings are shown and ranked based on what the search engine considers most relevant to the users. Every search engines do it using their own algorithm.

Why SEO is needed for websites:

Maximum number of web traffic for commercial, popular sites or blogs driven by search engines such as Google, Bing, and Yahoo! Traffic through Social media and other types can generate visits but the loyalty of Search Engines traffic is much better. Most user’s uses search engines primarily to find something on the internet, this is true for me too! So there is a chance for your site to show up in the first page search result if it has quality contents, videos, images, products and information.

Search engines traffic are the most valuable compared to other type of traffic which can bring success to your business. Targeted traffic to a website can provide publicity, revenue, and exposure like no other channel of marketing. First write some quality content and for the publicity of the content if you can apply some SEO techniques it can boost your rankings.

SEO Hard or Easy:

SEO is not so easy but not so hard yet! The basic is easy and most people can understand the basics and can apply for their own sites or blogs. Lots of free tutorials, books, articles, videos, audios, guides etc are available on the internet to learn SEO in deeply. Sometime even a small knowledge or changes in your site can make a big change to drive traffic. Regular practice, hard work can make you a guru in the field of search engine optimization.

  • There are many aspects of SEO in both on-page and off-page. For on-page SEO the some basic and important aspects are:
  • Content: Bill Gates made the prediction in 1996 that “Content is King” and it’s as true as ever today. Search engines like content even the users who are looking for it.
  • Quality: The starting point of success in the field of SEO in the Quality of content, it will make you stand out from the crowd.
  • Keyword Research: Before writing a great content Keyword Research is very important and a crucial part of SEO method. Use your targeted and selected keyword throughout your content.

Fresh Content: Posting a fresh content containing unique title is more important, google loves unique title and content. If you write content clearly enough where users can find their answers, Google will recognize your content and will place it in the first page of search results which will brings lots of web traffic.

The above are some basic and simple tips for the beginners, for some advance tips in details keep your eyes open.

Thanks a lot.


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